About PR Agency

Years ago, when we set out with the excitement of establishing a new agency, we had the question 'what kind of name should we have', as is the case with every team that creates a new brand. It had to be such a name that it would reflect our excitement and ambition, and also give clues about the work we will do on behalf of the sector and the innovations we aim for.

Finally, we came to the end of one road and the beginning of another, when a dear advertising friend of ours said, "I found the name that suits you." Indeed, our friend who looked at us and read our souls came up with a name that would summarize everything in our minds: Manifesto…


The encyclopedic explanation of the concept of 'manifesto', which means 'to print', tells us many details about us; The determination we felt when we set out, our belief in each other that we remember at every turn, our communication with our customers that is not only limited to 'doing business' but turns into companionship, and many other things that make us who we are...



The motto 'Manifesto' of Communication, which we added under our name, has always had a double meaning; The first is our respect for the knowledge created by modern communication theories and the path paved by our masters before us, and the second is our determination to write our own story while walking on this path.

Since the day it was founded, Manifesto PR Agency has carried an understanding of trying untested methods in its field, trying to 'break new ground' in classical words, and applying its collective intelligence and knowledge to the subject of 'what and how can we do differently'.



Every new brand that joins the Manifesto family is a new companion for us. Each of the brands we are responsible for is a member of this family, our friends whose problems we try to solve and whose success we rejoice in.

All communication services a brand needs; While all items, from brand and reputation management to marketing and leader communication, from crisis communication and media relations to corporate social responsibility projects, are carried out under the roof of Manifesto with a strategic planning perspective, a difference is created with the unconventional solutions of its young and creative staff.

At this point, while we provide strong support in national and international projects to our customers in the finance, energy, oil, automotive, construction, telecommunications, retail and tourism sectors, we also maintain solid relationships with all media groups and develop beneficial collaborations for our country with our wide business network.



Manifesto is the first and only Turkish communication company to open its own offices outside Türkiye. In order to be closer to our brands that contribute to the Turkish economy with the projects they carry out all over the world, we set out with the aim of reaching wherever they are located.

We can produce faster solutions and provide more intense integration with the world through our offices located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Erbil, Cairo, Moscow and Monte Carlo, outside Istanbul.

Being present all over the world and going beyond defined borders is a must for the Manifesto, so by publishing our site in 12 more languages, excluding Turkish and English, we have created a system that approximately 95% of the world's population can understand in their own language and from which everyone concerned can benefit.

We acted with two goals when creating our international internet network: The first is to meet the professional communication consultancy needs of customers from different geographies in our country in their own languages, and the other is to communicate with our brands fighting in the international arena wherever they go. For us, the real-life equivalent of the knowledge taught in communication faculties that 'the world has turned into a global village' Something exactly like this...

We acted with this perspective while accrediting the Turquality project, which was created to strengthen Turkey's perception abroad, to make Turkish brands more successful in the international arena, and to increase their competitiveness, under the title of 'brand consultancy'.

In order to provide competent service in the field of communication consultancy to all brands of our country that strive to be successful, to see their needs before they do and direct them correctly, we improve our staff and talents day by day, and we continue to remain faithful to the Manifesto we wrote when we set out.